Terms and Conditions

Last Updated : 8/20/2024

Submission Policy

Submitted bookmarks, backlinks, images, and text content all must follow our Terms and Conditions. Please read the full Terms and Conditions to ensure that you aren’t violating our policy with your backlink / bookmark submission. All submissions must contain unique content. No refunds are given for any reason. Listing fees are primarily to cover the costs of evaluating a submission to ensure that it meets our standards. Submissions may be edited, moved, or deleted based on our evaluation at any time. We reserve the right to update and modify these terms and conditions periodically.

Any submitted content that may be published and displayed on this website does not come with any guarantee as to the accuracy or safety of the content. We (b3directory.com) are not responsible for content that is linked to outside of our website. Submitted and published content on our site can link to other content that is beyond our control and using our website to get to any linked content such as this hereby releases us (b3directory.com) of any liability or responsibilities (legal or otherwise).

As a warning, linked content outside of our website could be damaging to your computer, mobile phone, or tablet. We cannot verify content on all submitted and published links and any traffic following said links does so at their own risk. We reserve the right to delete any content submitted to us at any time for any reason and without refund. Content submitted and published on this website (b3directory.com) is subject to removal and deletion at our discretion. If we believe that any content violates our terms and conditions it will be removed and deleted.

Most submitted content will expire and is deleted automatically after some time. Deleted listings and content are not retrievable. At present, our free listings are deleted when they expire. There is no expiration date on premium listings, however this could change at some point. Expiration (and deletion of content) of premium or paid content is subject to change at our discretion. Please refer to this section of our submission policy for future updates on the subject and possible expiration (and deletion of content) of premium submitted content. Any listings paid or otherwise that are said to have no expiration are subject to these terms and conditions and subject to change at our discretion. All submitted content and their expirations are subject to the life and uptime status of this website. If the service of this website were discontinued, the website were to ever come down, or be taken down all listings would be said to have expired and all content of said listings deleted.

Anti-Spam Policy

We have a no spam policy. Any text content posted needs to be well written, legible, and should be at least 100 words. Posted text content cannot be about or promoting anything illegal in the USA. Any content found to be in violation will be denied, removed, and deleted. Users may also be banned for violations. No refunds are given.

[“using”] our site refers to any of the following : visiting, scrolling, browsing, clicking, submitting, or taking part in any activity involved on our site (B3Directory.com).
Please make sure that you are not spamming or violating the policy as outlined here.

Always remember to write and share great content! Having well written and engaging content is always good for any SEO strategy along with backlinks.

If you believe that your content is wrongly being flagged for a violation, try the following:

1. Check that your content is at least 100 words long.

2. Read through your title and content carefully. Look for words that might be causing a flag. For example if your content is about drug addiction counseling, word like “drugs” could get your story flagged. If this is the case, try to rewrite your story and remove these words where possible.

Terms and Conditions

By using the site (B3Directory.com) you agree to our Privacy Policy. By using the site (B3Directory.com) you agree to our Cookie Policy. By using our site (B3Directory.com) you agree to be bound by the submission policy, anti-spam policy, and these terms and conditions.

Using the site includes :
browsing the site
visiting and reading content on the website
signing up for an account
submitting content to be published on the site (B3Directory.com)

By using the site you agree to follow the submission policy. By using the site you agree to these terms and conditions. By using the site you are granting us permission to publish, display, modify, and distribute your content online.

We reserve the right to delete any content submitted to us at any time for any reason and without refund. No refunds are given. Any fee paid for submitting images, text content, website listing, URL, backlink, or post to our site will not be returned. We do not offer refunds for any reason.
If you believe an error is made on our part you may contact us and we will try to rectify the situation, however we offer no guarantee of fix or refund. We reserve the right to ban a user for violating any of our terms, conditions, or policies.